MLT Tips
When you attach the cutter bit ensure the bit is carefully placed between the 2 locating split pins towards the rear of the bit mount .
After roughing in your spindle blank, Increase speed to normal accepted rpms noted in your lathe manuals. For instant a 2" round blank would need around 2000+ rpms for a satisfactory cut. Smaller sizes such as 1" dia. may need 3000+ rpms to maintain a good cut. Of course normal safety practices should be adhered to as noted in your lathe manuals.
When cutting with the MLT, it performs best when using a lateral cutting action across the spindle. That is starting the cut and then guiding the MLT sideways to maintain contact with the wood being shaped.
The MLT typically prefers an "Uphill cut into the spindle as this helps maintain depth of cut and reduces part vibration. "Downhill" cuts usually cause excess chatter and wood disengagement and should only be used for very light cuts.
Try to resist advancing the tool straight in when possible as this may cause excessive vibration/chatter.
When shaping the spindle it is generally helpful to travel with the MLT from the tailstock to the headstock in a sideways cutting action.
Less vibration/chatter is usually obtained by turning the larger diameters first on the spindle and then the smallest diameters to maintain spindle blank rigidity as long as possible.
Keep the bottom of the MLT clean and apply a silicone based lubricant or car wax to smooth the cutting action of the tool.
Ensure your master spindle copy or template plate is secure and does not flex as this will change your spindle diameters drastically.
For smaller lathes, tracer rod may be inverted to point down to allow template to be placed closer to lathe bed.